- This “Handbook on Research Methodology” written by active researchers, provides the basic and advanced level discussion on research methodology so that the researchers may become familiar with the art of using research methods and techniques.
- Authors of this handbook have enumerated the three dimensions of research methodology – research strategies, research methods and research data in a lucid manner.
- Vital aspects, such as “overcoming barriers to research”, “ethics in research” and “plagiarism”, are delineated clearly by the authors so as to aid the readers understand these concepts clearly before venturing into research.
- The unique feature of this book is it includes chapters on “performing a literature search”, “writing a research proposal for seeking funds”, “defining objectives in research paper”, “designing a research questionnaire” and “bias, confounding and error”, which are scarcely available in any research methodology books.
- The highlight feature of this book is that a separate section has been included to detail about Ensuring Patient Safety in Clinical Research, which is very vital ingredient of research methodology.